This has been an exciting and a sad week for our family. The happy thing was that on Tuesday, May 19, my daughter, Corey, and her husband Duncan saw the birth of their second daughter, Aubree Lynn Grodack. She weighed in at a tiny 6lb 9oz and is 19in long. Her initial views are that she looks very similar to sister Calleigh, although with a lighter hair color (with the little hair she does have). She is so precious, quiet and easily pleased. Corey did so well after this c-section that she came home today. I think she'll probably get more rest here.
One added bonus this week is that Bill, Ricky and Lori ended up down here and were able to see Aubree shortly after birth. Rick hung around for an extra day and had a lot of fun with Calleigh. She's still talking about it.
Calleigh is doing well being a big sister and is all eyes for anything to do with Aubree. She is especially concerned about her "binky". Calleigh wants to make sure Aubree doesn't take hers (which she still uses when she goes to bed). Her only challenge has been when we have used anything of Calleigh's for Aubree. At the moment that is not an acceptable move. Apart from that she wants to kiss Aubree and hold her. She is working on being gentle but is not always successful.
Calleigh had a big day on Sunday when she celebrated her second birthday. We had a little pool party at her other grandparents house. She had two of her little friends there and a good time was had by all.
We started this week with the sad death of our brother-in-law Clarence Casey. His funeral was on Tuesday afternoon in Clearwater. He was one really great guy and all the people that attended his funeral was a witness to that. Despite the sorrow it was nice to get together with family and friends who came from all around. Some family pictures testify to that fact.
So at this moment we are still in the waiting for our other grandchild to be born. Shawn and Camille were due to have a baby on the 17th. If Camille doesn't go inyo labor before Monday she will be induced. I'll be going home on Sunday night and look forward to being present and involved with the birth of both the new grandchildren. It is such a wonderful joy.
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